
Reaching your satisfaction

is our ultimate goal

At Real Logistics, we provide the best transportation and supply chain services for our customers.
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<p>Reaching your satisfaction</p><p>is our <strong>ultimate goal</strong></p>
<p>Reaching your satisfaction</p><p>is our <strong>ultimate goal</strong></p>
<p>Reaching your satisfaction</p><p>is our <strong>ultimate goal</strong></p>
<p>Reaching your satisfaction</p><p>is our <strong>ultimate goal</strong></p>
<p>Reaching your satisfaction</p><p>is our <strong>ultimate goal</strong></p>
<p>Reaching your satisfaction</p><p>is our <strong>ultimate goal</strong></p>

Transportation solutions

Sea freight
Sea freight
Reliable, secure, and cost-effective. This is the ocean freight service we offer. Our trust comes from collaborating with top global shipping lines.
Air freight
Air freight
Real Logistics provides air freight services from the 3 largest airports in Vietnam to all airports worldwide and vice versa at competitive costs.
Inland trucking & Cross border
Inland trucking & Cross border
We handle the transportation of various types of freight through our extensive and reliable road network worldwide.
Rail freight
Rail freight
Real Logistics rail freight – a more sustainable transport solution that allows you to save on costs compared to air freight while ensuring faster transit times than sea freight, making it the ideal choice for shipping goods between Vietnam, China, and Europe.
Break bulk & OOG (Out-of-Gauge)
Break bulk & OOG (Out-of-Gauge)
We work closely with our clients to understand their specific Break Bulk and Out-of-Gauge (OOG) cargo needs, delivering tailored solutions by leveraging our expertise and resources.
Sea freight
Sea freight
Reliable, secure, and cost-effective. This is the ocean freight service we offer. Our trust comes from collaborating with top global shipping lines.
Air freight
Air freight
Real Logistics provides air freight services from the 3 largest airports in Vietnam to all airports worldwide and vice versa at competitive costs.
Inland trucking & Cross border
Inland trucking & Cross border
We handle the transportation of various types of freight through our extensive and reliable road network worldwide.
Rail freight
Rail freight
Real Logistics rail freight – a more sustainable transport solution that allows you to save on costs compared to air freight while ensuring faster transit times than sea freight, making it the ideal choice for shipping goods between Vietnam, China, and Europe.
Break bulk & OOG (Out-of-Gauge)
Break bulk & OOG (Out-of-Gauge)
We work closely with our clients to understand their specific Break Bulk and Out-of-Gauge (OOG) cargo needs, delivering tailored solutions by leveraging our expertise and resources.

About Real Logistics

Established in 2009, Real Logistics is a global provider of logistics services and optimal solutions in import-export activities to thousands of people & businesses across the globe. Our services distinguish themselves by their diversity, cost-effectiveness, efficiency as well as optimization. We have earned the trust and recognition of numerous clients and partners, both domestically and internationally, positioning ourselves as a reliable ally.
Learn more
about real logistics
about real logistics

Why Real Logistics?

Licensed and Certified for Excellence
Licensed and Certified for Excellence
Our compliance and expertise are recognized through qualifications and licenses. We are committed to providing top-tier logistics solutions worldwide.
Optimized transportation costs
Optimized transportation costs
Minimize investment costs in goods transportation as Real Logistics connects and collaborates closely with logistics partners worldwide.
The dedicated and experienced personnel team
The dedicated and experienced personnel team
With an innovative mindset, we continuously improve the quality of our services to meet the transportation needs of both domestic and international markets.
Infrastructure facilities worldwide
Infrastructure facilities worldwide
Real Logistics has a diverse system of offices, warehouses, and transportation vehicles across the country that help in transporting goods.
countries worldwide
We are authorized to transport goods in over 120 countries and territories worldwide.
agents optimize cost
The global network of 300+ agents facilitates smoother logistics and cost optimization.
orders per month
We are a partner of numerous renowned corporations such as Panasonic, Foxconn, LG Chemical, Lotte, SSSC, Ton Dong A, Kumho, Siemens, etc,.

Our markets

Real Logistics proudly serves large corporations across Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, and beyond. We transport goods to over 120 countries and 300+ locations, playing a key role in connecting global markets and growing our business through reliable and efficient logistics solutions.
markets map
markets map

Get a quote for your shipping needs today!

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