New regulations on nutrition labeling on food
The Ministry of Health has issued Circular 29/2023/TT-BYT guiding the content and method of recording nutritional ingredients and nutritional values on food labels.

New regulations on nutrition labeling on food
According to the Circular, foods produced, traded, imported, and circulated in Vietnam must list the following nutritional ingredients: (*)
1. Energy (kcal);
2. Protein (g);
3. Carbohydrate (g);
4. Fat (g);
5. Sodium (mg).
Soft drinks, processed milk with added sugar and other foods with added sugar must also include the total sugar.
Foods prepared in a fried form: Must include saturated fat.
Foods that do not contain/contain the above-mentioned nutritional ingredients but the nutritional value of that ingredient is less than the value specified in Appendix I of this Circular are not required to list that nutritional ingredient on the food label.
How to write nutritional ingredients and nutritional value
The Circular clearly states that information on energy value is calculated in kilocalories (kcal); information on protein, carbohydrate, fat, saturated fat, and total sugar content is calculated in grams (g); information on sodium content is calculated in milligrams (mg). Information on nutritional ingredients is expressed in 100g or 100ml of food or in a serving whose content has been determined on the label or per packaged portion when the number of portions in that package is declared.
Organizations and individuals may additionally indicate the percentage (%) of reference nutritional value for nutritional components according to (*). In case organizations and individuals voluntarily indicate the percentage (%) of reference nutritional value, they shall follow the instructions in Appendix II issued with this Circular.
The nutritional value of nutritional ingredients (*) must be expressed in numbers, with full nutritional ingredients and nutritional value information as prescribed on the food label; expressed in a position that can be easily recognized when observed, with full prescribed content and in compliance with principles.
The tolerance range values of nutritional components are implemented according to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 17 of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP.
The Ministry of Health requires that the labeling of nutritional ingredients and nutritional values on food labels must comply with the provisions of this Circular and relevant provisions of the law on product labeling and food safety. It must be accurate and not cause misunderstanding or confusion about the nutritional value of food products. Information on ingredients and nutritional values on food product labels must be easily recognizable, easy to understand and indelible.
The roadmap for labeling implementation is specified as follows:
By December 31, 2025 at the latest, organizations and individuals producing, trading, and importing food for circulation in Vietnam must record nutritional ingredients on food labels according to the provisions of this Circular.
From January 1, 2026, organizations and individuals are not allowed to produce, print, import and use labels that do not comply with the provisions of this Circular.
The Circular takes effect from February 15, 2024.
Source: Vietnam Logistics